Year of Mercy in Guaimaca: Hair Donation

on 22 Aug, 2016
Hits: 4635

Guaimaca (Honduras), 08/21/2016, Sisters Marie Poussepin Center.- At the Marie Poussepin Center Guaimaca, Honduras, we welcomed the Year of Mercy as an invitation to live the Merciful attitude of the Father. In making it ours, in both spiritual and corporal works, we thought of doing with the students a brave and beautiful gesture of Charity and generosity towards children with càncer, Braiding Smiles of Solidarity with them, being donors of their hair for the children to have their wigs and does feel happy and hopeful.

Sr. Teresa Maria with the Donor HairSr. Teresa Maria with the Donor Hair

In the Year of Mercy 2016

The students at the Marie Poussepin Center (CMP) want to make a special gesture of altruism and generosity, donating our beautiful strands of hair to make wigs for children with cancer. After reflecting and praying, some of us took the serious and courageous decision of being Donors of Hair. Aware of what it means to us, but knowing it is for a good cause, we commit ourselves to offer what God has given us and thus braid smiles on children affected by cancer.

We asked permission of our families and some agreed, others are not yet ready. Quite a few of us want, but our hair now does not meet the conditions, being too short, in layers, etc. But we do not give up and wait the time will come to see realized the decision already taken in our hearts. The day chosen is the afternoon of August 11th, at the Marie Poussepin Center. Twelve students from the seventh grade to the last year of high school: Digna Julieth, Evelyn Mariely, Lohany Gissel, Cindy Raquel, Ixi Areli, Meilin Yanori, Cenia Maribel, Lisbeth Araceli, Rosa Cristina, Alicia Mariana, Andrea Michelle and Jasmin Gisselle.

We donate 12 centimeters or more of our hair for a good cause. Our hairdresser Celia, will help us in cutting it. And our solidarity braids will be delivered directly by our friends, Volunteers from U.S.A. to the N.G.O. that makes the wigs. We are happy to be able to braid smiles on children affected by cancer, we pray for them and their families asking the Lord to grant them health. And we invite other young people to be generous with noble causes like this.

With Love, Students from the CMP-2016

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Guaimaca (Honduras) - Donación de peloGuaimaca (Honduras) - Donación de pelo