Santafé (Colombia), 04/19/2017, Sr. Gloria Mercedes Herrera.- A meeting of the members of the Lay Dominicans of the Presentation was organized by the coordinator of the Province of Santafé, on Saturday, March 25, gathering 48 members in the Provincial House. It began with the Eucharistic celebration. Once assembled together, Sr. Matilde Beltrán, provincial councilor, greeted them on behalf of the provincial government.
Francisco Bermeo in his video conference: "The Role of the Laity in Today's World", was based on the biblical text, Mt, 13, 37-38, and number 505 of the document of Aparecida. It motivated the group to be the “good seed” through the witness of their life in the “field” of the world, their family, workplace, environment and social activities, as authentic Christians. He recalled what Monsignor Clemens, who works on the Pontifical Council for the Laity in the Vatican, says about the identity of the laity: "The identity of the laity involves a coherence in daily life that leads to holiness, enabling each one to discover daily their particular land of mission.” Integrated groups were formed to work on the article "Preaching the Word of Grace in the 21st Century" taken from the magazine “Optantes” of the Dominican Friars and the fact sheet #21 on the "Role of the laity before and after the Second Vatican Council."
"It is the laity of our continent, conscious of their call to holiness by virtue of their baptismal vocation, who have to act as leaven in the dough to build a temporary city that is in accordance with the plan of God."
Two moments of the meeting