Paraguay: the awaited visit of the General Government

on 10 May, 2017
Hits: 3496

Mbocayaty (Paraguay), 04/28/2017, Sr. Adelaida Alba Botello.- On April 24th morning, the Community of Mbocayaty – Paraguay, welcomed with great joy to their house Sr. Maria Escayola Coris, Superior General, and Sr. Carmen Cecilia Flórez Montaño, Provincial Superior of Bucaramanga. This family event was marked by fraternal sharing, dialogue and acquiring of knowledge with regard to the life and pastoral work of the Community in this “land of coconuts”.

The date of this meeting was announced three months earlier and from that day on, the Sisters who realize their mission in this place, set themselves to the task of making everything available to receive them. The sharing of Community life was very important and for this, the Sisters cancelled whatever other commitments they had during those days. During the Community meetings we received news of the Congregation, good explanation on the guidelines of the EGC of Barcelona and the 54th General Chapter. We also reflected on our life based on our Community Project and the sharing on our mission.

On Wednesday, April 26th morning, the whole village participated in the funeral rites of Mrs. Mirta Benítez, a person well known in the Community for her pastoral services and presence in the parish. This helped our visitors to know a little more about the faith community whom the Sisters accompany. On the same day they had their meeting with Msgr. Ricardo Jorge Valenzuela, Bishop of Villarica and P. Gregorio Cabral, the pastor of the area; the meeting was ended by a table fellowship, a characteristic of the Community.

Sr. Ludy Johanna Garzón Ballestero, a member of this Community expressed herself about the experience lived, in these terms: “This visit is like the coming of God, who continues to illumine with His presence bringing everything to light, healing the hurts and leading everyone to the ideal of configuring oneself to Christ, as leaven in the midst of the world”.

On April 27, Sr. María Escayola Coris and Sr. Carmen Cecilia Flórez Montaño travelled to Caapucú to share with the Community of Marie Poussepin. There, they participated in the Eucharist in the parish and in the Chapel Tuyá, situated in one of the “compañías” (rural zones in the parish). The meeting with the members of the different groups in the parish and the “compañías” was very interesting; it facilitated festivities and fostered knowledge of the culture and customs of the people and our pastoral activities.

On May 1st they visited along with the Community, the Sanctuary of “Virgen de Caacupé”, a center for devotion and pilgrimage to Our Lady, since the very beginning of evangelization. The simplicity, openness and closeness of our visiting Sisters facilitated in such a way that everything took place in an atmosphere of fraternal love and joy. Some community commitments with regard to prayer and discernment are still a challenge for us. The Sisters feel motivated to continue giving their life for the “service of Charity” in these lands far away from their native Colombia. 
Visita canónica a ParaguayVisita canónica a Paraguay