37 Years of the Province of Santafé

on 23 May, 2017
Hits: 3828
Bogotá (Colombia), 05/20/2017, Sr. Luz Marina Socha Gómez.- The Community of Sans Façon, College of the Presentation, joyfully, the May 20, welcomes 90 sisters of the Province of Santafé, who came from different areas of Colombia where they are in mission, to celebrate the 37 years of existence of the Province.
The Province of Santafé was founded on May 24, 1980, on the eve of Pentecost, with Sr. Inés Mercedes Mejía Toro as General Superior and Sr. Mary Plata Cordero as Provincial Superior. With prayer, Eucharist, greetings, embraces, unforgettable memories, laughter, songs, mission posters, flowers, food and all sorts of fine touches, motivated each sister to “go out in haste and wake up the world with the joy of the Gospel”. 

Get-together Faith and Hope.

“Let us go out in haste and wake up the world with the joy of the Gospel”.

The homily at the Eucharist followed by the talk entitled “Jesus Missionary of the Father”, continue to sow seeds of hope in the heart of the 159 sisters who make part of the Province, and who are at present in search, reflection and discernment, so as to make decisions towards a reorganization of their missionary range. As a Province, we express our thanks to God and to the Congregation, for the blessings received during this time of grace and we pray to Jesus, Missionary of the Father, to fill us with the Holy Spirit and to enliven the missionary zeal which has distinguished us.

We take on anew the words of Pope Francis in his homily of April 29, 2017, in the city of Cairo, Egypt: “Now, as the Disciples of Emmaus, return to Jerusalem, that is, to your families, your work and your country, full of joy, of courage and of faith. Do not fear to open your heart to the light of the Risen Christ and let it transform your fears, concerns and sadness into positive vigor for yourselves and for others”.

37 años de la provincia de Santafé37 años de la provincia de Santafé