Bogotá, D.C (Colombia), 06/01/2017, Sr. Luz Marina Socha Gómez.- In an attitude of faith, hope and joy Sr. Leidy Viviany Moreno Garzón chose Christ anew. To begin the month of June in the joy of the renewal of vows of Sr. Leidy Viviany is a gift of blessing for the Province of Santafe, the Congregation and the Church.
As a faith community we pray for Sr. Leidy for the grace to continue in fidelity to follow Jesus Christ through the example of Marie Poussepin and Saint Dominic de Guzman, who through their deep union with Christ knew how to face with love and faith the diverse situations inherent in our life. Congratulations and blessings to her loving family who were instrumental in fostering Sr. Leidy’s vocation! Graces and blessings to the community of Colegio de Fátima (Fathima High School) for their accompaniment and support for Sr. Leidy to follow the Lord Jesus!