Bolivia: "Walk for Life"

on 12 Jun, 2017
Hits: 4407
Cochabamba (Bolivia), 06/11/2017, Sisters of the Community of Marie Poussepin, Puntiti.- "Based on the teachings of the Catholic Church, we assure that one’s conscience is over and above unjust laws because evil continues to be evil even if a law permits it to continue. The last word on this point resides in each person and it is our moral responsibility to protect and to ensure the right to conscientious objection", said the Bolivian Conference of Catholic Bishops.
June 2, Cochabamba coated itself in white TO SAY YES TO LIFE and NOT TO ABORTION. The extremely crowded march was organized by the platform and the citizens for Pro-life and family, backed by the Catholic Church, Evangelical Churches, the Catholic University and other institutions. The Arch-bishop of Cochabamba, Monsignor Óscar Aparicio, invited the parishes, schools, Catholic Schools and all citizens, to participate in this activity for the defense of life from conception to natural death. We, the sisters from the Marie Poussepin Retreat House in Cochabamba, adhered to it and were present at the march to say Yes, to Life.
"Mom don’t take off my life" or "My life is in your hands ", “I don’t know about laws but I want to live”, were some of the messages we could read on the multicolored signs carried by the students. "We are against abortion and in favor of life. It is unjust to take away the right to exist of someone", remarked Heidi Montes, of Don Bosco School. As people walked the streets, neighbors and business people shouted messages of support for the march which is already the third one carried out since the previous month in La Paz and Santa Cruz, under the slogan: "Life from conception to its natural end". The Walk was a rejection of the controversial Article on Abortion approved by the de Constitution Commission of the Chamber of Deputies.
 Bolivia - "Marcha por la vida"Bolivia - "Marcha por la vida"