Bucaramanga: The Interprovincial Meeting of Justice and Peace

on 31 Aug, 2017
Hits: 3440

Bucaramanga (Colombia), 08/23/2016, Sr. Paulina Blanco.- In La Turena, Provincial House of Bucaramanga from August 18 to 21 Sr. Blanca Margarita Duque López, delegate of the General Government, and the Provincial delegates of Justice and Peace in Colombia met together with a big group of Sisters who were invited to share these days of reflection and formation. Sr. Edilma Ardila, Coordinator for Solidarity Projects in Colombia was among them.

“He has showed you, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8)

The objective of the meeting was to continue our formation for the option for Justice and Peace in the Congregation, by transmitting the basics of “Management in partnership” to create processes for involvement in community development like peace-making. For this purpose we had specially invited Doctors: Lilibeth Diana Mellizo Camacho and Diana Convers Lozano from the UNIMINUTO University of Bogotá.

The dynamics of the meeting: to know, see and practice, enabled us to assimilate the methodology of Associated Management. In the same way it provided a setting to share our diverse experiences in each Province through its Projects with regard to Health care, Children, Marginalised people, University students, Youth, Women who are vulnerable etc.

Being the host for the meeting, the Province of Bucaramanga facilitated the meeting with persons who form part of the “endógeno” Project, which the Sisters realize in the city of Nuevo Girón. Thus we could verify whether it is possible to attain the objectives of the Project. Thanks to the alliances formed with the public and private entities and the collaboration of the people.