Reflection on the canonical visit of the Province of France

on 21 Oct, 2017
Hits: 3543

Paris (France), 10/22/2017, Sr. Viviane Martinez.- We hope that the canonical visit will be an intense time of the Congregation, during which each Province, Community and Sister will experience in a special way « the bonds that unite them to the Congregation » as a whole. (Quote from the post visit letter from the General Council).

But, the announcement of a canonical visit is more often welcomed with some reservation. We associate it spontaneously with the fear of not being found as living our religious commitment to the maximum, as a Province, Community or person. Or it may be the thought that the particular reality being lived in each Province could be misunderstood. The Province of France lived this time of visit throughout the month of September.

Our Province cannot hide its great fragility, weakening of human power and the disappearance of numerous works, which had their beautiful time of mission in the past decades... But we know that the missionary zeal is very much alive. The Sisters, whether they are in the mission fields, which is a very small number, or are taking care of their age and state of health, (Old age homes and Communities of older Sisters) are concerned about the proclamation of the Gospel. And for all, prayer and fraternal listening which open the outside world are important ways to continue the mission.

The time of canonical visit was the occasion for exchange, listening and living the word in truth as much as possible. This truth is for us the source of freedom to live with realism, what we can live today in our human and religious life. To take again the quote from Job 14: 7, which was proposed for our reflection by the General Council, the tree, « old and rooted in our soil », can be reborn again and continue to put out its branches. 

The Province as a whole and each Sister thank the General Council for this time that they gave us with an attitude of benevolence and also for their counsels. Thank you for the “look filled with hope » (quote from the post visit letter of the G.C) that you placed on our Province.

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