Dental Clinic in Guaimaca, Honduras: Fruit of the solidarity and the work of many

on 11 Dec, 2017
Hits: 4037

Guaimaca (Honduras), 12/12/2017, Sr. Marta Inés Toro.- Throughout the 16 years of our presence in Honduras, we have experienced that this mission is the fruit of Divine Providence manifested through the collaboration of many people. This has been very clear with the construction of the dental clinic.

Dental Clinic in GuaimacaDental Clinic in GuaimacaThe funds came from very committed groups over the years, and in a special way, from the groups of dentists that for more than ten years have come every year to Guaimaca to provide their services. All of them have ensured that this service, so necessary for the health of the poor of Guaimaca, improves and continues. And how was it achieved?
  • From the United States collaborated: the architect, from Massachusetts, the electrician from North Carolina, the dentists and their team of technicians, from Massachusetts and from Louisiana.
  • From Honduras: Engineers and technicians from UNITEC University, engineers friends, contractors and masons from Guaimaca.
During a year and a half, all of them were present in Guaimaca, at various times. However, the technical part was coordinated thanks to the means of social communication, since they were all at considerable distances from each other.

The inauguration, last October 21st, brought together several of them, who were able to be present to thank God not only for the accomplishment, but also for the experience lived among Christian brothers and sisters from various denominations, languages and cultures.

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