27 Jul, 2021
Hits: 1665

Dighton, Massachusetts (USA), 07/27/2021, Sr. Karen Champagne.- Congratulations to Sister Tulia Giraldo, from the USA Vice-Province, who celebrated the 70th anniversary of her religious profession on July 10, 2021, with a Eucharistic Liturgy in the Chapel of the Vice-Provincial House in Dighton.

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26 Jul, 2021
Hits: 1536

Barcelona (Spain), 07/26/2021, Sr. Gemma Morató.- The Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano (ITM), a university institution attached to the municipality of Medellín and accredited in high quality, published in its magazine Memoria, number 50, on February 2021, the portrait of Marie Poussepin written by Sister Nora Inés Fonnegra Gómez.

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19 Jul, 2021
Hits: 1287

Burkina Faso (Africa), 07/19/2021, MCS Africa Team.- The team of the Means of Social Communication for Evangelization of the Vice Province of Africa composed of the Sisters: Pauline Ilboudo, Béatrice Kantoro and Lucienne Sam held an ordinary meeting in Dassasgho (Ouagadougou) on March 27, 2021 in order to elaborate an action plan for the year 2021.

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