04 Jun, 2021
Hits: 1352

Catatumbo Region (Colombia), 06/04/2021, Sr. Maria Eugenia Ardila Rueda, OP. and Fr. Jhonny Ochoa, OP.- According to the article on the website responsabilidadsocial.net, the environment is a system formed by natural and artificial elements that are interrelated and that are modified by human action, that conditions the way of life of society and that includes natural, social and cultural values that exist in a given place and at a given time (CSR Articles).

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29 May, 2021
Hits: 1475

Manizales (Colombia), Laudato Si' Week - May 2021, Interprovincial Novitiate, Villa Clara.- We recognize that the commitment to care for our common home involves each and every one of us, human beings, created to care, protect and collaborate in God's creative action. What kind of a world do we want to leave for those who come after us, to the children who are growing up? What are our actions?

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21 May, 2021
Hits: 1762

Tours (France), 05/21/2021, Sr. Rosario Amelia Garcés del Castillo.- With the sensation of being in a large hall that encompassed the entire planet, the first of three colloquiums planned to celebrate this Jubilee year of the Dies Natalis of St. Dominic and the 325th anniversary of the foundation of the Congregation began on May 18. For the first time, the Zoom platform acquired by the General Government was used to facilitate this type of meeting, in which Sisters from the four continents were able to participate, thanks to the simultaneous translation.

Sr. Maria Escayola Coris, Superior General, in her words of greeting to the Sisters, emphasized that this first experience at the level of the whole Congregation was an opportunity to increase our fraternity and communion, through these means that technology offers us. The joy of meeting many Sisters together was a characteristic note of this event, in which there were 325 connections. Dominic: Preaching, a way of being a friend of men and women was the title used by Sr. Anne Lécu to present her conference. You will find the whole text of the conference attached.

The next meeting is scheduled for 26th June at 15h Central European Time.

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