23 May, 2020
Hits: 2490

Medellín (Colombia), 05/24/2020, Sr. Gloria Eugenia Piedrahita Tamayo.- On the feast of ASCENSION OF THE LORD is the LIV WORLD DAY OF SOCIAL COMMUNICATIONS, and the message of Pope Francis will be read, reflected and prayed "That you may tell your children and grandchildren” (cf. Ex 10:2), Life becomes history".

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22 May, 2020
Hits: 2456

Santiago de Cali, Valle del Cauca (Colombia), Sr. Ana Patricia Vásquez Zapata, May 24, 2020.- “I will be with you always…”.

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18 May, 2020
Hits: 3065

Roma (Italy), 05/17/2020, Sr. Ana Patricia Londoño.- The lessening of the restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic, allowed us to come together on this day with the communities of Il Rosario and Valdieri to celebrate the Eucharist, as a gift of God's fidelity to Sr. Maria, whom he has loved, called and sustained throughout these 50 years of consecration. 

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