17 Apr, 2020
Hits: 2443

Burkina Faso (Africa), Sr. Nicole Kaboré, April 19, 2020.- “Peace be with you”.

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15 Apr, 2020
Hits: 1867

 04/15/2020, Of various structures.- The situation of some countries in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic.

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14 Apr, 2020
Hits: 1912

Caracas (Venezuela), 04/14/2020, Sr. Nícida Amparo Díaz Leal.- This experience of pandemic lived in quarantine engulfs us and we look for meaning and a sign of hope all around us...some are waiting for a miracle from heaven, ¨Lord, what costs you a miracle, put an end to this pandemic; others try to cling to their deep-rooted selfishness taking advantage of the moment to gain profit...; others put on fear as their best refuge, ¨yes, I am afraid I don’t go out and if I do not go out, I do not get infected..”.

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