11 Oct, 2017
Hits: 3514

Lima (Perú), Oscar Melanio Dávila Rojas, professor of "Fe y Alegría".- Can we serve others without expecting anything in return or, without pursuing some petty interests of our own? Perhaps, this was the question that Marie Poussepin answered through her example. She devoted her life and actions for the service of the neediest, the forgotten and the frail persons and those who expect very little or almost nothing from society and life.

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06 Oct, 2017
Hits: 2771

La Turena (Bucaramanga), 10/04/2017, Sr. Luz Karime Mancipe Laguado.- Eighteen Sisters from the Province of Bucaramanga, who form part of the 1st Graduating Class of 2017 from the Parish School of Catechesis ESPAC, were granted the Diploma for Parish Catechesis during the ceremony which was held on October 4th in Madre Clara Josefina hall of La Turena.

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21 Sep, 2017
Hits: 3428
Medellin (Colombia), 09/18/2017, Sr. Ana Cecilia Villegas Cadavid.- Review of some key moments of the visit of Pope Francis to Colombia.
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