18 Aug, 2017
Hits: 2685

Tunja (Colombia), 08/04/2017, Sr. María Cecilia Gaitán Cruz.- FORMASALUD Tunja is a Foundation for Work and Human Development, which belongs to the Province of Santafé and it forms the youth to take care of life in different ways. Since its foundation in 2005, it has certified 522 Auxiliary Nurses.

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17 Aug, 2017
Hits: 3191
Bucaramanga, 08/14/2017, Sr. Eleein Paola Navarro González.- It was with much expectation that the sisters “reporters” from each of the local communities of the Province of Bucaramanga met at La Turena on August 12 and 13 with the goal of learning the Project of the MSC of the Congregation, as well as the Province’s operating plan on how each local community participates in that new strategy for preaching the Gospel to the men and women of today.
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16 Aug, 2017
Hits: 4207
Bogota (Colombia), 08/05/2017, Sr. Matilde Beltrán Velásquez.- With great joy we witnessed our golden jubilee Sisters who came from the different structures: Aconcagua, Bogotá, Guadalupe and Santafé, get together as a group, review their Life Journey and celebrate the jubilee of their fidelity in Following the Lord.
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