22 Mar, 2021
Hits: 1431

Cali (Colombia), 03/22/2021, Sr. Elsa Myriam Londoño Valencia, JPIC Delegate of the Province of Manizales.- The cries of history resound differently in our world today. The pandemic has made us aware of our responsibility to care for our common home and to be more concerned about life.

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19 Mar, 2021
Hits: 1503

Bagdad (Iraq), 03/19/2021, Sr. Nejla Thomas.- March 5-8, 2021. Is the Pope coming to our country, to Iraq? No, we are with Covid-19 epidemic. Yes, said the Pope. I will go, regardless of everything, because the people of Iraq deserve it. Joy always gives the strength and courage to do wonders.

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18 Mar, 2021
Hits: 1204

Reflection: Fifth Sunday of Lent: Jer31: 31-34; Heb 5:7-9 and John 12:20-33

Bangalore (India), 21/03/2021, Sr. Anula Irvin Suguna.- The tone of Lent is gradually altering, becoming more intense as we move towards its supreme hour culminating in the passion and death of Jesus.

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