28 Apr, 2021
Hits: 1544

Morelia, Michoacán (México), 04/28/2021, Sr. Ana María Llamas Alejandre.- From April 19-22, an Online Course on "The Vows" was organized for the novices of Manizales, Guadalupe, United States and Sainville. Sr. Herminia Rincon Marin, General Councilor, spoke to us about the vows from different perspectives: Jesus Christ, the Church, Dominican Order and the Congregation.

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22 Apr, 2021
Hits: 1347

Medellín (Colombia), Sr. Ángela María Vélez Restrepo, 25 April 2021.- The good shepherd gives his life.

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21 Apr, 2021
Hits: 1911

Bolivia, 04/22/2021, Sr. Socorro García, JPIC Delegate Province of Los Andes.- “We know that the whole creation has been groaning in labor pains until now" (Rom.8:22). The book of Genesis tells us how Creation came about little by little, God's care and dedication to create, leads us to think about the process of gestation. The gestation of the earth which at each stage leads us to exclaim: "and God saw that it was good..." (Gen. 1,12).

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