10 Dec, 2020
Hits: 1535

Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), SR. CELINE SAWADOGO, December 13, 2020.- "BEHOLD DAYS OF PEACE AND JOY!". Born in 765 B. C, Isaiah, also known as the Prophet of Emmanuel, begins his prophetic ministry in 740, announcing the destruction of Israel and Judah as punishment for their unfaithfulness. For half a century, his ministry was overshadowed by the growing threat that Assyria placed on Israel and Judah. He is the prophet of faith and hope, but also the greatest of the Messianic prophets. During the great crises that his nation goes through, he asks that they trust in God alone, the only way for salvation. He knows that the trial will be hard but hopes that a remnant will come out of it and that the Messiah will be the king for them.

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03 Dec, 2020
Hits: 1690

Rome (Italy), SR. HERMINIA RINCÓN MARÍN, 06 December 2020.- “Go up on a high mountain, Zion, herald of good news cry out at the top of your voice, Jerusalem! Cry out, do not fear!... Here is your God” (Is 40:9). John the Baptist is one of the great figures of Advent, with his presence and his preaching he announces the arrival of the Messiah and the inauguration of a new era of justice and peace that will gladden the hearts of the people and strengthen hope in the promise of salvation.

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24 Nov, 2020
Hits: 2000

Medellín (Colombia), SR. ROSEMARY CASTAÑEDA MONTOYA, November 29, 2020.- “LET’S ANCHOR OUR HOPE”. It is well known to all of us that Covid19 pandemic virus has led many, including us to reflect on the organization of the world and ask ourselves about our life in the Community of Marie Poussepin and our “common home.”

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