16 Dec, 2020
Hits: 1878

Songkoy (Philippines), SR. LILLY CHALAKKAL OP, December 20, 2020.- Are you confused? The Holy Spirit will guide you.  Are you troubled? Be in solitude, God will reveal to you His Plan. Have you felt uncertain in life? The Lord is with you…He is certain …have faith in Him…

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13 Dec, 2020
Hits: 1850

Medellín (Colombia), 12/13/2020, Sr. Rosemary Castañeda.- Every year on December 7, at night, all of us in Colombia go out to light "little candles" at the door of our houses and fill the streets with light. The night of "las Velitas" (the candles) means the radiance that God offered to the Virgin Mary and her acceptance of that divine intervention. 

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