03 Dec, 2018
Hits: 2771

Dighton, MA (USA), 12/02/2018, Members of the Vice Provincial Assembly.- With joy, the members of the Vice Provincial Assembly gathered at the Vice Provincial House in Dighton, MA want to share with you that that our newly appointed Vice Provincial Team are.

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26 Nov, 2018
Hits: 2772

La Paz (Bolivia), 11/27/2018, Sr. María Olga Gómez Botero.- Mrs. Maria, lived for a time in a small house that took care of her husband Juancito, old and very disabled. They were evicted from that little house, and a young neighbor allowed them to make a room where he lived, this was an area of his uncle who lives in La Paz.

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23 Nov, 2018
Hits: 2888

Paris (France), 11/123/2018, Sr. Anne Lécu.- Since five years ago, the Province of France has had a blog which assures the visibility of our Province in the social networks. This blog is linked to a Face Book page and to a Twitter account.

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