10 Nov, 2018
Hits: 2749

San Salvador (El Salvador), 11/10/2018, Sr. Evelyn Guadalupe Córdova Grande.- On Saturday October 20th, in the Parroquia Nuestra Señora de los Dolores in San Salvador, El Salvador, it took place the celebration of Perpetual Vows of our Salvadoran sister Yesenia Ester Calderón Hernández. The communities of Santa María Ixhuatán, Guatemala and Colonia Dolores, San Salvador accompanied our sister and also we had the presence of the Provincial Superior, Janet Ceja Sáenz.

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07 Nov, 2018
Hits: 2608

El Salvador, 11/07/2018, Sr. Evelyn Guadalupe Cecilia Córdova Grande, province of Guadalupe.- After 38 years of waiting for the sainthood of Mgr. Oscar Arnulfo Romero to be recognized it, the day to celebrate him has finally come on October 14th 2018. Even though it has been more than 38 years in which Salvadoran people had already recognized him like a saint. His sainthood was already acknowledged through his preaching, his defense and respect for life, and for his effort to make peace and justice possible. Salvadoran people always loved him, because they found in him consolation. He became their voice, as our parents and grandparents taught us.

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29 Oct, 2018
Hits: 2760

Dourdan (France), 10/29/2018, Dourdan Community.- To commemorate October 14, the birth day of our Mother Foundress, the association « Les amis du couvent de Marie Poussepin » (the friends of the convent of Marie Poussepin) in Sainville had the beautiful idea to organize on October 6, 2018, a pilgrimage on the footsteps of Marie Poussepin from Dourdan to Sainville.

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