18 Dec, 2018
Hits: 2664

Dighton (USA), 12/01/2018, Sr. Martha Inés Escobar.- Today we ended in the Vice Province of the United States the General Assembly, preparatory work to the General Chapter.

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13 Dec, 2018
Hits: 2735

Bogotá (Colombia), 12/11/2018, Sr. Nubia Yaneth Chávez.- In the context of the liturgical time of Advent, the Provincial Chapter opened on December 9, with the celebration of the Eucharist, presided by the Most Reverend Daniel Caro. The Bishop emphasized refining the senses to recognize the Savior and to become a sign of hope for society.

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10 Dec, 2018
Hits: 2583

Mexico City, 12/10/2018.- The Chapter Assembly, meeting in the Provincial House of Mexico City, from December 2 to 13, 2018, has elected the new Provincial Council for the period 2018 to 2023.

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