19 May, 2022
Hits: 869

Amman (Jordan), Sr. Maria de los Angeles Flores Pérez, May 22, 2022.- The fidelity to the origins and newness.

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19 May, 2022
Hits: 969

Santafé (Colombia), 05/17/2022, Sr. Berta Graciela Acero Gutiérrez.- The Assembly for the opening of the canonical visitation of the provinces of Bogotá and Santafé was held on April 19 in the facilities of the Sans Façon school. 139 sisters from the two provinces participated in person and the rest of the sisters participated virtually from different parts of Colombia and from the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua and Cuba.

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12 May, 2022
Hits: 968

Province of Santafé (Colombia), Sr. Mary Plata Cordero, 15th May 2022.- John 13, 31-33-34-35. The drama of the passion begins in this chapter 13; today's text is located during the last supper. Jesus speaks to his disciples as if he is already glorified. With the departure of Judas from the place of the supper, the discourse begins, leaving only the group of loyal followers.

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