28 Apr, 2022
Hits: 960

Vice Province of Aconcagua, Santiago (Chile), Sister Carmen Rosa Murcia Gualteros, May 1st, 2022.- From our personal or communal experience, let us invoke Ruah or listen to the following song: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zasyz-tJkOg)

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22 Apr, 2022
Hits: 893

Chile, 22/04/2022, Sr. Gabriela Vergara Ríos.- The experience of the canonical visitation of the General Government, from March 13 to 31, 2022, in the person of Sr. María Escayola Coris, Superior General, Sr. Ana Patricia Londoño Flórez and Sr. Martha Mendieta Aztatzi, General Councilors, to our Vice-Province of Aconcagua, has been that manifestation of the "favorable time" that Paul speaks to the Corinthians.

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21 Apr, 2022
Hits: 822

Vice Province of Africa. Sr. Téwindé Céline Sawadogo, April 24, 2022.- The Risen One Gives Us Peace.

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