13 Jul, 2022
Hits: 1112

Spain, 07/13/2022. Sr. Marta Elena Vélez Betancur.- Our resounding ‘no’ to human trafficking has its direct expression in Article 4 of the Declaration of Human Rights: "No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms".

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29 Jun, 2022
Hits: 977

Province of El Caribe, 06/24/2022, Sr. Nícida Amparo Díaz Leal.- The following article is intended as a reflection on the formation meeting of inter-congregational temporary vowed sisters, who expressed the following concern in their reflections: "We are concerned about the compulsive use of the mobile phones in some of our sisters in community. Tthere is no personal discernment and it is justified to have it, in time and out of time, with the pastoral work and the different commitments that one has...It has become the daily companion of life and this disconcerts us because we are losing the referents that help us to forge our will, responsibility and freedom" (Group of inter-congregational juniors, May 2022. Venezuela)

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24 Jun, 2022
Hits: 1011

Manizales (Colombia), 06/24/2022, UCM Communications.- In addition to their interest in the integral formation of the person, the Catholic University of Manizales (UCM) and the Vasco de Quiroga University (UVAQ), in Mexico, have many similarities in search of the common good, which allowed them to achieve a synergy that became a reality with the signing of the institutional collaboration agreement between the two universities, a task that was part of the work agenda of UCM Rector Sister Elizabeth Caicedo, on her trip to Mexico.

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