10 May, 2022
Hits: 1103

Manizales (Colombia), 05/10/2022, SMC Catholic University of Manizales.- Compartimos las impresiones de Sr. Joanna Fernandes, ecónoma general de la Congregación, quien visitó la Universidad Católica de Manizales, el miércoles 4 de mayo de 2022.

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05 May, 2022
Hits: 1069

Washington (USA), Sr. Monica Garcia, May 8, 2022:- This fourth Sunday of Easter is called "the Sunday of the Good Shepherd". On this Sunday our faith and attention are focused on the mysterious presence of Christ Jesus himself, the unique and universal Shepherd of our vines.

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04 May, 2022
Hits: 834

Curundú (Panama), 05/03/2022, Sr. Berta Atencio.- With immense emotion we want to share with you the joy we feel as Region of Panama for the beginning of the aspirancy of two young ladies in our community of Curundú (Panama); Hilaria Montezuma Gonzalez and Ramira Santo Gonzalez, under the responsibility of Sr. Berta Elisa Atencio Andrade, also a Panamanian sister.

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