29 Jan, 2019
Hits: 7201

Calasiao, Filipinas, 29/01/2019.- Con alegría recibimos la invitación para la bendición de la nueva casa de la comunidad de Calasiao, Filipinas. / C'est avec joie que nous recevons l'invitation pour la bénédiction de la nouvelle maison de la communauté de Calasiao en Philippines. / With joy, we received the invitation on the blessing of new house in Calasiao community, Philippines.

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29 Jan, 2019
Hits: 17433

Roma (Italy), 01/29/2019, Sr. Alix Mercedes Duarte Roa.- The Servant of God Mother Maria Berenice Duque Hencker, Colombian, Dominican Sisters of the Presentation for 33 years, cultivated in her life the Eucharistic and Marian spirituality and served the Church without distinction of classes or social conditions.

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25 Jan, 2019
Hits: 2852

Santiago (Chile), 01/25/2019.- With joy, the capitulars gathered at the Delegation House in Santiago, want to share with you that that our newly appointed Delegation Team are:

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