27 Mar, 2016
Hits: 4907

Guaimaca (Honduras), 03/12/2016.- We have been offering healthcare to the poor of Guaimaca, Honduras and its villages since 2001, when Sr. María Ceballos arrived to Honduras almost 15 years ago. During these years it was done at the parish facilities, now we have a place where we can better serve the poor. Thanks to the generosity of many benefactors, who financially and through their volunteered work have made it possible to have a new place.

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17 Mar, 2016
Hits: 5037

Manizales (Colombia) March 17, 2016, Editorial staff.- The newspaper “La Patria” of Manizales and Caldas made an echo of the initiative for responsible consumption taken by the Catholic University of Manizales on March 16th. According to the daily newspaper, the Catholic University of Manizales had used 72 thousand disposable cups last year. Being aware of this number, on the world day of Responsible consumption, the students and those in administration shared a small cup of coffee in the open air as a first step to get rid of this practice in the institution.

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09 Mar, 2016
Hits: 4942

Rome (Italy), 03/09/2015, Sr. Maria Escayola, Superior General.- With joy I present to you this new stage in the history of the webpage of the Congregation, after a time of rest and renewal. At every meeting or reunion during these recent years the need to venture into the world of Social Means of Communication has been stressed as the "new means for evangelization," to carry everywhere the knowledge of Jesus Christ and his mysteries, according to the desire expressed by Marie Poussepin since the beginning of her foundation.

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