20 Apr, 2016
Hits: 3383

Quito (Equator), 04/19/2016, Sister from the Community of Quito.- The Sisters from Equator: situated in the Province of Machala: Community of San Cristóbal -Cuenca, Ponce Enríquez and Quito, Province of Pichincha, are grateful to God the Father of all goodness who in His great mercy, in spite of the earth tremor and great shock, protected us from any loss or pain due to the earthquake that took place on April 16, 2016 at 06:58 PM with a magnitude of 7.8 degrees, causing damages to five provinces of Equator: Esmeraldas, Manabí, Los Ríos, Santa Elena, Guayas and Santo Domingo de los Shachilas.

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17 Apr, 2016
Hits: 4093

Santa Fe de Bogotá, 03/19/2016, Sr. Leidy Viviany Moreno Garzón.- On Saturday March 19th at the Provincial House, the first meeting of Means of Social Communication was held under the leadership of Sr. Juliana Alejandra Triana Palomina and Sr. Leidy Viviany Moreno Garzon. The aim of this meeting was to let the participants get to know the Project of MSC of the Congregation. At the same time we made use of the occasion to teach the Sisters who were present about the different updates and social networks which are present in the world of cyber nets and which are available for us for the service of Evangelization.

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16 Apr, 2016
Hits: 4096

Tovar (Venezuela), School La Presentación.- To remember and celebrate the memory of our foundress with our students is always an opportunity for them to be deepened in our Charism. It is also a time to express their creativity and talents. This year we commemorated the death of our Blessed Foundress, through an art gallery of frames with figures sketched from the life and work of Marie Poussepin using different techniques.

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