26 Jun, 2016
Hits: 4023

Paris (France), 06/23/2016, Redaction.- The Spiritual Book Award was given by Panorama - La Procure to Sr. Anne Lécu of the Province of France for her book Tu as couvert ma honte (You Have Covered My Shame) from Cerf Editions. Sr. Anne exerce la médecine en prison. She regularly publishes meditations on the Internet site Signe dans la Bible et and is the author of Des larmes and Marcher vers l’innocence published by Cerf.

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20 Jun, 2016
Hits: 4806

Barcelona (Spain), 06/05/2016, Sr. Gemma Morató.- Last June 4, feast of the Sacred Heart, some sisters participated in the Eucharistic Celebration in the Church of Tibidabo in Barcelona. Although the Mass was centered on the feast of the Sacred Heart, it also spoke of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Venerable Dorotea de Chopitea, which was to be celebrated on the following day. A crowded celebration with procession and benediction of the Blessed Sacrament walked the streets in the city of Barcelona. A beautiful moment of communion with so many people who live, suffer and / or do not know the love of God.

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18 Jun, 2016
Hits: 3711

Santa Fe de Bogotá (Colombia), 06/08/2016, Sr. Rosalba Villamil.- Vocation is what explains, in its deph, the mystery of human life, the mystery of preaching and absolute gratitude. Let us relook at one of the urgencies of the 54th General Chapter which tells us: We must “commit ourselves to Vocation Ministry with responsibility and creativity as a mission of the local community as a whole.”  In the agreements taken at the meeting of the contact persons in each community on July 2015 in Petaluma we agreed to: Establish a clear and concrete agenda about the number and dates for the meetings for vocations to strengthen the work and commitment of each local community.

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