06 May, 2016
Hits: 3919
Roma (Italia), 05/06/2016, Sr. María Escayola.- From April 28th to May 5th 2016, representatives from 89 out of the 123 Dominican Congregations which form part of DSI are gathered together in Rome. They have come from all over the world to renew their family ties, to work and discern together and to move forward in collaboration for the sake of our mission.
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05 May, 2016
Hits: 4150

Koudougou (Burkina Faso), 02/0!/2016, Sisters Honorine Guigma and Béatrice Kantoro.- The closing of the year of Consecrated Life took place at Koungoudou, city of the red Knights, at the Cathedral Parish on January 28 and 30, 2015. The subject was "Year of Consecrated Life: Challenges from Pope Francis to the Consecrated in the context of Burkina Faso - Nigeria". The theme was taken from the letter of Pope Francis to all the Consecrated on the occasion of the year of consecrated life : "Remember the past with gratitude, live the present with passion, embrace the future with hope".

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02 May, 2016
Hits: 3175

Roma (Italia), 05/02/2016, Sr. Gemma Morató.- From April 28 to May 5 the meeting of Secretaries from the Structures of Africa, USA, France, India , Middle East and the general secretariat team took place at Roma accompanied by Fr. Toxe, general procurartor of the Order, and Sr. Monique Colrat. Several aspects of the secretariat in the light of Canon Law and other texts helped us to have a broader knowledge to the diverse present situations.

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