08 Nov, 2020
Hits: 1939

Manizales (Colombia), 11/08/2020, Sr. Carmen Rosario Medina Alvarado.- Come back, Marie Poussepin, come back.

Come back, Marie Poussepin!, to walk in the fields of the Beauce,
go back to the places, which the Holy Trinity showed you,
return with your openness to Grace, to welcome God's suggestions,
come back woman of praise with your first intuition, and make us vibrate with emotion,
in finding the new paths, which the Congregation must travel.
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07 Nov, 2020
Hits: 1779
Pitalito (Colombia), 11/07/2020, Sr. María Jesús Gil Gallego.-
THE VIRGIN MARY woman of silence "She kept everything in her heart"
MARIE POUSSEPIN "Woman of Hope," She waited for everything with love"

I would like, in a madness of love, to break the very fine chest of Marie Poussepin's heart and read there the value and the deep meaning of the silence that marked her life, but I would like to penetrate it, also in a unique moment of solitude and silence, of that silence that speaks to us of God, of that silence, which breaks worldly bonds, of that silence which transcends time, distance, space and marks the limit of eternity, the limit of infinity, of that silence which forgets the horizon and gets lost in the sweet space of the "Worker of Providence”.

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07 Nov, 2020
Hits: 1772


EN Sr. Henriette Myriam Download

By SR. HENRIETTE MYRIAM (LEBANON).- This theme is as vast as the life of our dear Foundress. On January 24, 1744, the Master of the Harvest came to get his worker: MARIE was 90 years old. She had worked silently without looking for herself, walking simply, following the ways of God, with Rosary in her hand: she was only an instrument of the Providence of God. The time for this instrument was over. She had referred to herself as a “Woman inspired by God for the WORK of PROVIDENCE.” The Providence of God would bear witness to it…and it did in due time. “Only the works of the saints last” said Pope Leo XIII one day. “It is not my work,” Marie Poussepin had said, “it is the work of God.”

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