02 Nov, 2022
Hits: 929

Dighton (USA), 11/02/2022, MCS.- October 9, 2022 was a day of great joy in Dighton and in the Vice-Province of the United States. In our beautiful Chapel of the Vice-Provincial House, we celebrated the final commitment of Sr. Glenda Leticia Ortiz Palacios. For many Sisters it was a reminder of something that has not happened here for several years.

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11 Oct, 2022
Hits: 922

Caracas (Venezuela), 10/11/2022, Sr. Nícida Leal.- I want to begin my reflection in the light of Luke, 10, 23-24: “Blessed are the eyes that see what you see!For I tell you avthat many prophets and kings desired to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it.” This text suits Marie Poussepin very well, because she saw and heard what others did not see or hear. But what did she see and hear?

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10 Oct, 2022
Hits: 887

Manizales (Colombia), 10/10/2022, Sr. Gloria del Carmen Torres B., Manizales sectional president.- The Conference of Major Superiors from Colombia is an organization created to strengthen the fraternal communion of the Religious among themselves, with the Bishops, Priests, Agents of Pastoral and the whole people of God in order that the unity of all those who believe in Christ would be a clear and efficacious sign in the work of evangelization.

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