18 Nov, 2022
Hits: 733

Cochabamba (Bolivia), 11/17/2022, Sr. Amparo Vélez Pérez.- Expectation, prayer, study, community reflection, joy and hope... were part of the preparation for this VISIT of our Sisters María Escayola Coris, superior general and three sisters of her council: Herminia Rincón Marín, Ana Patricia Londoño Flórez and Martha Mendieta Aztatzi, who arrived in Lima on October 10th. The visit took place from October 12th to 26th in Peru and from October 27th to November 6th in Bolivia.

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16 Nov, 2022
Hits: 763

Manizales          (Colombia),       11/16/2022,        Communicatios UCM.-  On November 9 was held a new session of the Superior Council of the Universidad Catolica de Manizales (UCM) was held, in which a series of important decisions were reviewed for the year 2023 and a review of compliance with the Institutional vision and mission.

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08 Nov, 2022
Hits: 829

Alto Obrajes, La Paz (Bolivia), 10/31/2022, María Reneé Peredo.- On October 31, we celebrate “All Saints” in our parish “Jesús Divino Maestro” in the Alto Obrajes area, attended by children representing saints, and Bible people. The objective of the celebration was to make known the lives of some saints, to hear about what holiness is and to know the joy of following Jesus.

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