06 Dec, 2022
Hits: 600

Venezuela, 12/06/2022, Sr. Nícida Amparo Díaz.- Most of our hope is anchored in mundane things, that is, in the things that, as human beings, we live and suffer,...

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01 Dec, 2022
Hits: 825

Bangalore (India), Sr. Daisy Rosa Peenikapramba, December 4, 2022.– The Proclamation of John the Baptist.

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23 Nov, 2022
Hits: 796

Lima (Peru), Sr. Martha Elena Zapata Luján, November 27, 2022.- The time of waiting is lived in the Church with the same prayer that resounded in the primitive Christian assembly: The Marana-tha (Come Lord) or the Maran-atha (the Lord is coming).

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