02 Jun, 2023
Hits: 1047

Dighton (United States), 06/02/2023, Sr. Karen Champagne.- With great joy, hope and expectation on May 8th, the sisters of the Vice Provincial Community as well as the Community of Dourdan welcomed Sr. Maria Escayola Coris, Superior General and General Councilors, Sr. Mariamma Paul Ollukaran, Sr. Diana Gisela Dolorita and Sr. Martha Mendieta to Dighton for the canonical visit to our Vice Province. The following day May 9th the visit officially began and on May 10th, Sr. Maria and Councilors started their visit to the Communities both near and far. The Sisters were eager and enthusiastic to have the opportunity to speak  with Sr. Maria and the Councilors in order to share and express their concerns, fears, and the reality of their life and mission in the Vice Province. 

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25 May, 2023
Hits: 776

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Bogotá (Colombie), Sr. Ana Francisca Vergara, May 28, 2023.- Created by the breath of Jesus.

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18 May, 2023
Hits: 816

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Bogotá (Colombie), Sr. Ana Francisca Vergara, May 21, 2023.- Dimensions of the encounter with Jesus.

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