14 Dec, 2022
Hits: 854

Manizales (Colombia), 12/15/2022, Paola Andrea Calderón Cuartas, professor Catholic University of Manizales.- The Catholic University of Manizales, from its mission of integral education, has consolidated its commitment to contribute to the Care of the Common Home and to build a Vital Campus, in coherence with its corporate value and its institutional dream of forging day by day integral men, women, leaders and builders of a new humanity.

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14 Dec, 2022
Hits: 749

Chad (Africa), 12/14/2022, Sr. Marcelina Ouedraogo.- The community of Moundou was erected on August 15, 1999, at the request of Monsignor Matthias N'GARTERI, bishop of the diocese. It is located in the Parish of Saint Peter and Paul, under the Diocese of Moundou. Moundou is the economic city of Chad, located 480 km (by road) from N'Djamena, the political capital.

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13 Dec, 2022
Hits: 700

Bangalore (India), 12/13/2022, Sr. Reetha Mechery.- This video is an attempt to share with everyone the deep joy that we (sisters, novices, aspirants and youth volunteers) experienced on Nov. 20, 2022, as we reached out to some 200 senior citizens from a slum close to us in Bangalore.

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