21 Dec, 2023
Hits: 292

Paris (France), Sr. ANNE LÉCU, December 24, 2023.- Let the angel go.

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19 Dec, 2023
Hits: 1148

"Llega tu luz, la gloria del Señor brilla sobre ti" /

« Ta lumière vient, la gloire du Seigneur resplendis sur toi » /

"Your light has come, the glory of the Lord shines upon you" (Is 60, 1)

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17 Dec, 2023
Hits: 654

La Turena, Bucaramanga (Colombia), 12/17/2023, Media.- We welcome the Sisters who make up our new Provincial Government, with the faith of someone who has the absolute certainty of the grace of the Spirit, who uses our availability to carry out his Work.

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