01 Dec, 2023
Hits: 624

Baghdad (Iraq), 11/30/2023, Sr. María Ángeles Flores.- A humble woman, a friendly gesture, a welcoming smile; slow movements, the mark of years of service to the sick, of nights of vigil and arduous efforts to support St Raphael's Hospital in Baghdad; a respectful, welcoming, serene, firm gaze; in her you find care, respect and relief.

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30 Nov, 2023
Hits: 383

Paris (France), Sr. ANNE LÉCU, December 3, 2023.-  Thanking the Lord for others.

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11 Nov, 2023
Hits: 646

Colombie, 11/11/2023, Sr. Olga María Botia Sánchez, JPIC delegate. Province of Colombia and el Caribe, president of the Justice and Peace Commission OP of Colombia.- "Go into the world and proclaim the good news of salvation to all people" Mk 16:15. This imperative from the Gospel, entrusted by Jesus to his disciples and in them to the church, to go into the whole world, to proclaim the gospel, to heal the sick and to liberate the oppressed, is the task, which we have also taken on in the Congregation.

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