11 Feb, 2024
Hits: 854

Bagdad (Iraq), 02/11/2024, Assembly Communication Commission.- In an atmosphere of fraternity and welcome, on February 3 we met at the Vice Provincial House in Baghdad, Iraq, the sisters of the communities of Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq to celebrate our Vice Provincial Assembly.

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26 Jan, 2024
Hits: 1015

Lima (Perú), 01/26/2024, Delegates of the Provincial Chapter.- A memorable day to continue the process of the Chapter. Our Province, the smallest in the Congregation, was made great by the courage to accept God's will in the election of our new Provincial Superior.

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21 Jan, 2024
Hits: 622

 Putaendo (Chile), 01/21/2024, The delegates of the Vice-Provincial Assembly of Aconcagua.- We are living a time of grace, encounter and communion, where we continue to discern together the future of the Vice-Province of Aconcagua. We are aware that the reality we live today is complex and requires our creativity and audacity to continue to be women who are bearers of the Good News of the Kingdom in the midst of our brothers and sisters, especially the most vulnerable.

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