14 Apr, 2019
Hits: 2992

Camporredondo (Perú), Sr. María del Carmen Bedoya, 04/13/2019.- In the Diocese of Chachapoyas, every year the course of catechists is held, it is an intense time of formation for the pastoral agents of the Parish. The catechists of the different communities come together to share the queries, concerns and initiatives that are emerging in the pastoral work, but above all, they share their experience of faith, that makes each workshop unique and enriching.

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06 Apr, 2019
Hits: 3734

Urabá Region (Colombia), 04/06/2919, Sr. Carolina María Agudelo A.- COMPARTIR was founded in 1994at a time when Urabá became the epicenter of the armed conflict in Colombia. Social problems derived from political violence increased and the victims were in urgent need of medical attention. For this reason, Monsignor Isaías Duarte Cancino promoted the creation of an emergency center for the attention to victims of violence, widows and orphans.

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05 Apr, 2019
Hits: 14740

México, 03/19/2019, Sr. Georgina González Velásquez.- We thank the Lord for his Provident care throughout these first 40 years of our arrival in Mexican lands. By the missionary audacity of our first sisters Leonor Avellaneda Navas and Maria Lilia Alcira Vacca Avila sent on mission on March 19 under the paternal protection of Saint Joseph.

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