22 Sep, 2019
Hits: 3214

Paris (France) 09/22/2019, Sr. Conchi García.- Last 14th of September in Paris, on the day of The Glorious Cross, a major and meaningful event was celebrated for all of us: the perpetual vows of Sister Maria Esperanza Olarte-Mateus in Paris. Sisters from many different places - Lourdes, Toulouse, Tours, Rome and Spain joined the event giving thanks to the Lord. Maria Esperanza’s family from Columbia – her elder sister and her nephew-godson - were also present. We were about 150, including sisters, relatives and friends.

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27 Aug, 2019
Hits: 8144

Arcachon (France), 08/27/2019, Sr. María Esperanza Olarte.- Being aware of the need to be open to have apostolates with the others (Congregations and laity), during this summer, we in the Province of France had a chance to participate in a mission at the beach, and yes! I did not make a mistake, in the beach.

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20 Aug, 2019
Hits: 3119

Manizales (Colombia), 08/16/2019, Sr. Elsa Myriam Londoño.- The Holy Spirit’s flame of love has enlightened the Province of Manizales along its 65 years of existence. A Province born from the richness of the Provinces of Medellín and Bogotá, which at the time, moved by the God’s Spirit and the Service of Charity, crossed borders to reach other places and needs.

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