17 Jul, 2019
Hits: 3170

Medellín (Colombia), 07/20/2019, Sr. Yeli Aidé Aristizábal.- On July 10th, Rosario Clinic, founded in 1959, had an appointment with history, celebrating 60 years of presence and service in the challenging world of health.

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14 Jun, 2019
Hits: 3351

Bangalore (India), 06/13/2019, Sisters of India.- Making alive the Charism of blessed Marie Poussepin and responding to the needs of the time and the appeal of Archbishop of Bangalore Rt. Rev. Peter Macahdo to the congregations in Bangalore, we have started a foster home for 16 girl children from the street in collaboration with Dream India Network in the old crèche building from June 10, 2019.

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31 May, 2019
Hits: 3281

Santafé de Bogotá (Colombia), 05/26/2019, Sr. Luz Marina Socha Gómez.-In the context of the liturgical Season of Easter, we celebrated the Perpetual Profession of Sister Leidy Viviany Moreno Garzón, who confirmed her surrender to God through her vows of obedience, chastity and poverty.

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