08 Feb, 2019
Hits: 2441

Bagdad (Irak), 02/08/2019.- With joy, the sisters gathered in Bagdad, want to share with you that our newly appointed Vice Provincial Team are.

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30 Jan, 2019
Hits: 4720
Lima (Perú), 01/30/2019, Sr. Gloria Eugenia Piedrahita.- Sr. Ana Julia Parra París (Sr. Alfonso de Jesús) was born on June 18, 1920 in San Carlos (Ant.), Colombia. She professed on January 10, 1945 in the Province of Medellin.
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29 Jan, 2019
Hits: 7010

Calasiao, Filipinas, 29/01/2019.- Con alegría recibimos la invitación para la bendición de la nueva casa de la comunidad de Calasiao, Filipinas. / C'est avec joie que nous recevons l'invitation pour la bénédiction de la nouvelle maison de la communauté de Calasiao en Philippines. / With joy, we received the invitation on the blessing of new house in Calasiao community, Philippines.

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