15 Sep, 2018
Hits: 2885

Bucaramanga (Colombia), 09/03/2018, Sr. Luz Karime Mancipe.- On Sunday, September 2nd, at the Gathering Center of “La Turena”, the VII Youth Presentation Yamizlana was held, on the topic: “Young people the time has come.” More than 80 participants came from various communities of the Province and organized by the Sisters in Youth Ministry, Anayibe Flórez y Luz Karime Mancipe.

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14 Sep, 2018
Hits: 2836

Bogotá (Colombia), August 2018, Sr. Olga María Botia.- The 5th National Meeting of Vocation Ministry in Colombia, organized by the Vocation Ministry Commission of the Conference of Religious of Colombia, was held in Bogota from August 17 to 19, with the theme “LISTEN, DISCERN AND LIVE THE CALL OF THE LORD”. Sixty-six women and men religious from different Congregations (3 Sisters of the Presentation from the Province of Santa Fe) and some laity committed to the mission of Youth and Vocation Ministry participated in it.

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11 Sep, 2018
Hits: 2987

Bogotá (Colombia), August 2018, Sr. Luz Karime Mancipe.- "The forming community as an ecosystem of formation", it was the theme proposed for the course of Dominican Formators, organized by CODALC (Confederation of Dominican Sisters of Latin America and the Caribbean) and CIDALC (Interprovincial Conference of Dominicans of Latin America and the Caribbean), which was developed from 16 to 26 in August, at the "Casa de Encuentros Santa Luisa" of the Vincentian Sisters, in Bogotá, Colombia.

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