01 Sep, 2018
Hits: 3231

Sainville (Francia), August 2018, Srs. participants.- After two months of fraternal sharing, on July 31, 2018, the first session of CEMP (Marie Poussepin Study Center) in English ended.

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30 Aug, 2018
Hits: 3594

Kerala (India), 08/30/2018, Srs. of India.- Monsoon rain is a yearly feature in the region of Kerala. Every year from the beginning of June till the middle of August Kerala experiences heavy rain falls. But this year it was heaver. The monsoon rainfall on the mid evening of August 8 was so great that it resulted filling the dams to capacity. In the first 24 hours of rainfall the state received 310mm (12inches) of rain. Almost all the dams have been opened since the water level has been close to overflow level, flooding local low-lying areas, rivers and canals. 

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28 Aug, 2018
Hits: 2584

Cali (Colombia), 08/28/2018, Sr. Diana Lucía Rivera.- From August 7 to the 14 in the city of Cali, at the Meeting House Marie Poussepin, took place the Annual Retreat guided by Father Harold Cuervo, priest of the Carmelite Community. The theme of the retreat was: Centrality in Jesus Christ. The atmosphere of silence, contemplation and prayer enabled a meeting face to face with the person of Jesus Christ, chaste, poor and obedient.

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