Bangalore (India), 10/26/2018, Media team.- Sr. Daisy Rose Peenikaparamban and the Media team of the Province of India is happy to share with us a Video they have prepared on Blessed Marie Poussepin. Their dream was to produce a film, which would have been very expensive, but are grateful for the collaboration and support received from all the Sisters to produce this Video.
Melipilla (Chile), 10/26/2018, Erwin Olmos Palacios, missionary of the Ligua.- Between October 12th and 14th, the “Presentation Missionaries” community coming from different places from Chile and Argentina, met at Nuestra Señora de la Presentación School in Melipilla. Nuns, priests and lay people met under the slogan “Church with open eyes, not sleeping”.
Con Con (Chile), 10/24/2018, Sr. Jeny Obreque.- Almost 100 PRESENTATION YOUNG and some teachers met on August 31st, September 1st and 2nd at Santa María Goretti School in Concón, which is ruled by Dominican Sisters of Charity of the Presentation, representing the three schools the congregation has in Chile. The objective of this activity was to look for together the way how to be a change agent in its corresponding environments.