15 Apr, 2018
Hits: 3589

Paris (France), 04/14/2018, La Croix.- An article of Youna Rivallain in La Croix on April 11th explains the new project for “Maison Saint Charles” in Paris. In the XVth arrondissement of Paris, the Congregation of the Dominican Sisters of the Presentation of Tours has joined with “Habitat & Humanisme” and “Vinci Immobilier” to give a second life for their house.

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12 Apr, 2018
Hits: 2691

Mexico, 10/04/2018, Sr. Evelyn Guadalupe Córdova.- For a year and a half the Province of Guadalupe, decided to live a time of grace, through a Provincial Diagnosis, where it was possible to stop to look at the historical journey looking for weaknesses and strengths that will help us to resurge in our missionary being.

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11 Apr, 2018
Hits: 3218

Paris (France), 04/10/2018, Sr. Véronique Margron.- « We aim together through our directives, for the common ends which are dignity and meaning ». Thus, ended the talk of the chief of the State, yesterday evening, under the magnificent gothic vault of the Bernardins.

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