03 Apr, 2018
Hits: 2983

Sr. Nícida Amparo Díaz, delegate of Justice and Peace - El Caribe.- Where will we go, Lord, before such a cruel reality, who can resist it? In you we put all our hope to continue living. "It is the open eyes that make us suffer again for the pain of others: Those who urge us to rise up against the sense of innocent and unjust pain; those that arouse in us hunger and thirst for justice, for justice for all" (Johan Baptista Metz). 

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02 Apr, 2018
Hits: 3020
Sr. Maribel Villanueva Sánchez (1970), province of Guadalupe. Profession: 01/07/2000. Perpetual Vows: 15/10/2005.- Sharing about my experience in Education lived in the Congregation, goes some years back even before I discovered my vocation. Remembering how I was placing myself in the Education, it would seem accidental, but seeing it by faith, it is no so. The Lord calls and He is with us showing the way. 
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31 Mar, 2018
Hits: 3424

Barcelona (Spain), 03/31/2018, Sr. Gemma Morató.- We offer you a poster, ready to print, to celebrate the Easter celebration with some words from Sr. Maria Escayola, Superior General.

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