25 Mar, 2018
Hits: 3327

Cali (Colombia), 03/23/2018, Media writing team.-  With the invitation to be "Open Letters" to the world to communicate the Gospel, the Province of Manizales welcomes with love and openness the sisters who participate in the II Meeting of MCS for America Latina and the Caribbean. From March 23 to 25, delegates from the Structures of Guadalupe, Los Andes, Aconcagua, Bogota, Medellin, Manizales, Bucaramanga and Santafé, get together to think about the way to put onto practice, this project in the structures and the Congregation.

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22 Mar, 2018
Hits: 2876

Cali (Colombia), 03/22/2018, Participant Sisters.- From March 16 to 19, the Meeting of Delegates of Justice and Peace of the five Provinces of Colombia with the General Delegate was held in Cali.

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13 Mar, 2018
Hits: 3057

Santafe, Bogota (Colombia), 03/11/2018, EGC Commission for the web.- To revitalize the life and mission of the Congregation, with the power of our Charism. “The time is fulfilled... show them the way they ought to follow and what they are to do” (MK 1: 15. Ex 18:20). The XX Enlarged General Council of Santafe was started with the prayer of Laudes prepared by the General Government, inviting us for reflection and openness to live these days of EGC guided by the action of the Holy Spirit.

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