04 Jan, 2018
Hits: 3147

Tegucigalpa (Honduras), 01/04/2018, Sr. Marta Inés Toro.- December 31st, 2017 has certainly been a day of rejoicing and thanksgiving for our Vice Province as Sister Sindi Araceli Bardales Pérez, our first Honduran novice, made her first profession in her home parish of Las Casitas in Tegucigalpa.

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30 Dec, 2017
Hits: 3050

Manizales, 12/30/2017, Sr. Ana Patricia Vásquez.- On December 7, in a special ceremony held at “El Limonar”, the House for Gatherings, the sisters Luz Enith Ramírez Rodríguez y Leidy Johanna Aristizábal Padilla, took the habit and joined the Novitiate to continue the process of initial formation. God bless them and give them the Wisdom and Fortitude, faithfulness and perseverance for a generous “yes” to the love proposal of Jesus Christ, in the way of Marie Poussepin.

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26 Dec, 2017
Hits: 2666

Fusagasugá (Colombia), 26/12/2017, Sr. Cecilia de los Dolores.- As we continue our mission of education in Fundación de Educación en Salud Marie Poussepin (Marie Poussepin Foundation for Education in health care)“FORMASALUD” in Fusagasugá, on December 16th 2017, we held a ceremony in the auditorium of Colegio de la Presentación,(Presentation Higher Secondary School) in Fusagasuga for the Certification of 25 out of the 27 Auxiliary Nursing Technicians and 5 Auxiliary Nurses who did their practice in Clinical Laboratory.

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